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2008年获得中科院上海植物生理生态研究所博士学位,2008-2015年在德国马普分子植物生理所从事博士后研究。课题组长期从事植物质体工程与抗虫生物技术研究,近年来针对我国重大农林害虫,建立起了一套基于质体介导RNAi抗虫的技术体系,为我国RNA生物农药的研制与开发奠定了基础。先后主持国家自然科学基金,国家重点研发计划课题、德国马普伙伴小组等项目。以第一或通讯作者身份在Science, Molecular Plant, PNAS, Microbiome, New Phytologist, Trends in Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Plant Cell & Environment,Plant Journal,Pest Management Science等杂志上发表高水平论文40余篇,授权发明专利10项。





1. 影响质体介导RNAi抗虫效率的主要因子及其调控机制;

2. 害虫肠道免疫影响RNAi抗虫效率的分子机制;

3. 害虫回避抗虫dsRNA分子的行为调控机制;

4. 害虫RNAi抗性发生的分子机制及抗性治理;



1. 创建了基于质体介导RNAi的抗虫新途径,明确了抗虫RNAi分子特征;

2. 阐明了肠道微生物协同RNAi的抗虫机制;

3. 系统探明了质体介导RNAi技术在防控不同种类害虫中的有效性及其效率。



1. Yangcun Li#, Hong Xu#, Wanwan He, Haoling Rong, Shengchun Li, Dae Sung Kim, Peng Han, Yang Yang*, Jiang Zhang*. Silencing of insect dsRNase genes enhances plastid-mediated RNAi efficiency in Colorado potato beetle. Entomologia Generalis. DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2023/1739

2. Wenbo Xu#, Miao Zhang#, Yangcun Li#, Wanwan He, Shengchun Li, Jiang Zhang* (2022) Complete protection from Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata by expressing long double-stranded RNAs in potato plastid. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13411.

3. Mengting Wu#, Qi Zhang#, Yi Dong, Zican Wang, Wenqin Zhan, Zebin Ke, Shengchun Li, Lin He, Stephanie Ruf, Ralph Bock, Jiang Zhang* (2022) Transplastomic tomatoes expressing double-stranded RNA against a conserved gene are efficiently protected from multiple spider mites. New Phytologist. 237(4):1363-1373.

4. Dae Sung Kim, Jiang Zhang*. (2022) Strategies to improve the efficiency of RNAi-mediated crop protection for pest control. Entomologia Generalis. DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2022/1638

5. Kang Ren, Wenbo Xu, Bailing Ren, Jinqiu Fu, Chunmei Jiang*, Jiang Zhang*. A simple technology for plastid transformation with fragmented DNA. Journal of Experimental Botany. 73(18):6078-6088.

6. Yi Dong, Mengting Wu, Qi Zhang, Jinqiu Fu, F. Vanessa Loiacono, Yong Yang, Zican Wang, Shengchun Li, Ling Chang, Ralph Bock, Jiang Zhang*. (2022) Control of a sap-sucking pest insect by plastid-mediated RNA interference. Molecular Plant. 15(7):1176-1191.

7. Wanwan He, Wenbo Xu, Kaiyun Fu, Wenchao Guo, Dae Sung Kim*, Jiang Zhang*. Positional effects of double-stranded RNAs affect RNA interference efficiency in Colorado potato beetle. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 184:105121.

8. Mengting Wu, Yi Dong, Qi Zhang, Shengchun Li, Ling Chang, F. Vanessa Loiacono, Stephanie Ruf, Jiang Zhang*, Ralph Bock*. (2022) Efficient control of western flower thrips by plastid-mediated RNA interference. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119(15):e2120081119.

9. Jinqiu Fu, Shijing Xu, Huan Lu, Fanchi Li, Shengchun Li, Ling Chang, David G. Heckel, Ralph Bock, Jiang Zhang*. (2022) Resistance to RNA interference by plant-derived double-stranded RNAs but not plant derived short interfering RNAs in Helicoverpa armigera. Plant, Cell & Environment. 45(6):1930-1941.

10. Qiqi Chen, Pan Shen, Ralph Bock, Shengchun Li*, Jiang Zhang*. (2022) Comprehensive analysis of plastid gene expression during fruit development and ripening of kiwifruit. Plant Cell Reports. 41(4):1103-1114.

11. Bailing Ren, Jingnan Cao, Yanqiu He, Sheng Yang*, Jiang Zhang*. (2021) Assessment on effects of transplastomic potato plants expressing Colorado potato beetle β-Actin double-stranded RNAs for three non-target pests. Pesticide Biochemistry & Physiology. 178:104909.

12. Jinqiu Fu#, Wenbo Xu#, Wei Huang, Bipeng Wang, Shengchu Li, Jiang Zhang, Ling Chang*. (2021) Importation of taxadiene synthase into chloroplast improves taxadiene production in tobacco. Planta, 253:107.

13. Letian Xu#, Shijing Xu#, Liuwei Sun, Yiqiu Zhang, Jing Luo, Ralph Bock, Jiang Zhang*. (2021) Synergistic action of the gut microbiota in environmental RNA interference in a leaf beetle. Microbiome. 9(1): 98.

14. Shengchun Li, Ling Chang, Jiang Zhang* (2021) Advancing organelle genome transformation and editing for crop improvement. Plant Communications. 2:100141

15. Yuyong Wu, Ling Chang, Chunmei Jiang, Leitian Xu, Jiang Zhang* (2021) Plastid transformation in Poplar: A model for perennial trees. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2317:257-265.

16. Wanwan He#, Wenbo Xu#, Kaiyun Fu, Wenchao Guo, Jiang Zhang*. (2020) Low mismatch rate between double-stranded RNA and target mRNA does not affect RNA interference efficiency in Colorado potato beetle. Insects. 11(7):449.

17. Yi Dong#, Yong Yang#, Zican Wang, Mengting Wu, Jinqiu Fu, Jianyang Guo, Ling Chang*, Jiang Zhang*. (2020) Inaccessibility to double-stranded RNAs in plastids restricts RNA interference in Bemisia tabaci (whitefly). Pest Management Science. 76(9):3168-3176.

18. Wanwan He, Wenbo Xu, Letian Xu, Kaiyun Fu, Wenchao Guo, Ralph Bock, Jiang Zhang*. (2020)  Length-dependent accumulation of double-stranded RNAs in plastids affects RNA interference efficiency in the Colorado potato beetle. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71(9):2670-2677.

19. Shijing Xu#, Yiqiu Zhang#, Shengchun Li, Ling Chang, Yuyong Wu*, Jiang Zhang*. (2020) Plastid-expressed Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry3Bb confers high mortality to a leaf eating beetle in poplar. Plant Cell Reports. 2020, 39(3):317-323.

20. Meiqi Ma, Wanwan He, Shijing Xu, Letian Xu, Jiang Zhang*. (2020) RNA interference in Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata): a potential strategy for pest control. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 19(2):428-437.

21. Yiqiu Zhang, Letian Xu, Shengchun Li*, Jiang Zhang*. (2019) Bacteria-mediated RNA interference for management of Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Insects. 10(12),415.

22. Yuyong Wu#, Letian Xu#, Ling Chang, Meiqi Ma, Lili You, Chunmei Jiang, Shengchun Li, Jiang Zhang*. (2019) Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry1C expression from the plastid genome of poplar leads to high mortality of leaf eating caterpillars. Tree Physiology. 39(9):1525-1532.

23. Lili You, Qipin Song, Yuyong Wu, Shengchun Li, Chunmei Jiang, Ling Chang, Xinghong Yang*, Jiang Zhang*. (2019) Accumulation of glycine betaine in transplastomic potato plants expressing choline oxidase confers improved drought tolerance. Planta. 249(6):1963-1975.

24. Xiaohui Zhan#, Fengjuan Zhang#, Ziyang Zhong#, Ruhao Chen, Yong Wang, Ling Chang, Ralph Bock, Bihua Nie*, Jiang Zhang*. (2019) Generation of virus-resistant potato plants by RNA genome targeting. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 17(9):1814-1822.

25. Letian Xu#, Jundan Deng#, Fangyuan Zhou, Chihang Cheng, Longwa Zhang*, Jiang Zhang*, Min Lu*. (2019) Gut microbiota in an invasive bark beetle infected by a pathogenic fungus accelerates beetle mortality. Journal of Pest Science. 92:343-351.

26. Letian Xu#*, Yiqiu Zhang#, Shihan Zhang#, Jundan Deng, Min Lu, Longwa Zhang*, Jiang Zhang*. (2018) Comparative analysis of the immune system of an invasive bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens, infected by an entomopathogenic fungus. Development & Comparative Immunology. 88:65-69.

27. Yuyong Wu, Lili You, Shenchun Li, Meiqi Ma, Mengting Wu, Lixin Ma, Ralph Bock, Ling Chang*, Jiang Zhang*. (2017) In vivo assembly in Escherichia coli of transformation vectors for plastid genome engineering. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:1454.

28. Jiang Zhang, Sher Afzal Khan, David G. Heckel, Ralph Bock*. (2017) Next generation insect-resistant plants: RNAi-mediated crop protection. Trends in Biotechnology. 35(9):871-882.

29. Jiang Zhang, Sher Afzal Khan, Claudia Hasse, Stephanie Ruf, David G. Heckel, Ralph Bock*. (2015) Full crop protection from an insect pest by expression of long double-stranded RNAs in plastids. Science. 347(6225): 991-994.

30. Jiang Zhang, Stephanie Ruf, Claudia Hasse, Liam Childs, Lars B. Scharff, Ralph Bock*. (2012) Identification of cis-elements conferring high levels of gene expression in non-green plastids. The Plant Journal. 72(1): 115-128.

31. Jiang Zhang, Wei Tan, Xinghong Yang, Hongxia Zhang*. (2008) Plastids-expression of choline monooxygenase gene improves salt and drought tolerance through accumulation of glycine betaine in tobacco. Plant Cell Reports. 27(6): 1113-1124.


1. Plant protection from a pest or pathogen by expression of double-stranded RNAs in the plastid. WO2016/097331

2. 一种研究棉铃虫幼虫RNA干扰效率的方法,专利号:ZL201610664530.5

3. 一种植物质体表达载体的构建方法及应用,专利号:ZL201710436614.8

4. 一种利用烟草质体高效生产虾青素的方法,专利号:201710406641.0

5. 一种高抗白蛾质体转Bt基因杨树新品种的获得方法,专利号:ZL201910077185.9

6. srp54k基因及其特异性dsRNA在柳蓝叶甲防治中的应用,专利号:ZL201810191662.X

7. 一种高抗柳蓝叶甲质体转Bt基因杨树新品种的获得方法,专利号:ZL201910077220.7

8. 一种防治棉铃虫的病毒样颗粒的制备方法、抵抗棉铃的方法及其应用,专利号:ZL202010212603.3

9. 一种防治桃蚜的质体转基因植物的制备方法及其在防治桃蚜中的应用,专利号:ZL202110639601.7

10. 一种表达病毒样颗粒的细胞核转化的转基因植物的制备方法及其在抵抗棉铃虫中的应用,专利号:ZL202110491857.8

11. 一种表达病毒样颗粒的质体转化的转基因植物的制备方法及其在抵抗棉铃虫中的应用,专利号:ZL202110261758.0
